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Home » The cancer diet The cancer diet for aiding cancer treatmentThe cancer dietThe raw diet is often referred to as the cancer diet. This is because countless bodies, including many NHS practitioners, recommend that anyone suffering from cancer should switch to this diet as soon as possible. The lady mentioned earlier with the brain tumour attended a cancer centre in Cornwall. The specialists there advised her that they wanted her on a vegan diet as soon as possible. A raw vegan diet is even better still. Raw food is defined as food which has not been heated above 42 degrees centigrade. Most people who hear the words 'raw diet' the first time assume it means eating nothing but salad. Nothing could be further from the truth. Crackers, biscuits and even pastry can be made using a dehydrator to remove the liquid from raw foods. Those who want to see examples of what can be done with gourmet raw food might like to visit one of the Saf Restaurants in London ( Switching to a cancer diet involves:
Avoiding dairy productsHumans are the only species on the planet that drink milk past the age of weaning. Dairy is used in a staggering range of products and fast food producers actively use it to addict customers to their food. Combining dairy, fat and sugar produce a narcotic effect on the body and some particularly well known fast food producers have laboratories dedicated to using this fact to addict children to their food. Dairy has a very acid producing effect on the body and should be avoided. Also, the human body cannot digest cows milk which results in partially broken down milk proteins being treated as toxins by the body. Animal based milks can be replaced by soya or almond milk. Delicious cheeses can be made using nuts such as cashew or walnuts. |
The cancer diet