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How cancer develops in the body

Why does cancer develop

Everyone has cancer cells in their body all the time. These cells are usually controlled and destroyed by the immune system which prevents them developing into tumours. When particular factors are present the cells develop into a tumour and the cancer develops.

Of the factors which can cause cancer to develop the over-riding one is lifestyle. Research shows this to be the cause in approximately 96% of cases. Other factors such as carcinogens (for example smoking or asbestos) and hereditary sources account for the rest.

Normal cells become cancerous when they mutate. This often occurs when toxins are stored in the cells by the body. The body can only remove toxins at a certain rate so when toxins are introduced at a higher rate than can be removed the body has no choice but to store them in cells. This is why when a person embarks on a detox program they feel rough initially as the body is taking the opportunity to remove the toxins from the cells and flush them out of the body.

How cells develop energy

Healthy cells develop energy by using oxygen in a process called aerobic oxygenation. This uses small amounts of sugar supplied by the blood stream. Cancerous cells develop energy using fermentation as they do not have sufficient oxygen available. The fermentation process uses much more sugar.

Stone-age man had approximately 4 lbs of refined sugar per year in their diet. This was because the only source of refined sugar available to them was from honey which was scarce and painful to acquire. Modern refined sugar became widely available in the early 1800's. At this time each person consumed approximately 13 lbs each year. By the year 2000 refined sugar appeared in virtually all processed food and the average level of consumption had risen to 150 lbs per person per year. Since cancer requires large amounts of sugar is it any wonder that there is a cancer epidemic in Countries which eat a western diet.